Academic Governance at the University of Utah
Subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees, the “university faculty shall have authority . . . to legislate on matters of educational policy. . . . The faculty has a right to a meaningful role in the governance of the University; . . . it has a right to participate in decisions relating to the general academic operations of the university including budget decisions and administrative appointments.” “The legislative power of the University faculty collectively will normally be exercised by the faculty through their representatives in the Academic Senate and the college and Graduate and Undergraduate councils. . .” U-Policy 6-001-III-B-3. See also 6-002 and 6-300.
Meeting Agendas
The meetings of the Academic Senate are open to all faculty, staff, students and members of the public. Detailed agendas and minutes are maintained in accordance with the Utah Government Records Access Management Act and the records retention schedules adopted by the University of Utah Archives & Records Management.