Meeting Minutes
November 5, 2012
Call to Order
The regular meeting of the Academic Senate, held on November 5, 2012, was called to order at 3:02 p.m. by Robert Fujinami, Senate President. The meeting was held in room 215 C. Roland Christensen Center.
Present: David Ailion, Stephen Alder, Lisa Aspinwall, Keith Bartholomew, Clayton Beckett, Barton Blackburn, Tully Cathey, Kathy Chapman, Reaz Chaudhuri, Thomas Cheatham, Kuan Chen, Miguel Chuaqui, Ronald Coleman, Charlotte Conerly, Marianna Di Paolo, Justin Diggle, Richard Dorsky, Mary Elizabeth Hartnett, L. Eric Huang, Kristina Evans, Aria Flatau, Leslie Francis, Sabine Fuhrmann, Michael Gardner, Timothy Garrett, William Gershan, Franz Goller, Joan Gregory, Gary Grikscheit, Leanne Hawken, Tom Henderson, Howard Horwitz, Eric Hutton, Thunder Jalili, Christian Johnson, William Johnson, Sharee Lane, John Longino, Theresa Martinez, Heather Melton, Duncan Metcalf, Harvey Miller, Tatiana Mixco, Alfred Mowdood, Patricia Murphy, Ingrid E. Nygaard, Lester Partlow, Marlene Plumlee, M. Pollie Price, Matthew Potolsky, Hannah Pratt, Martin Rechsteiner, Stephanie Richardson, Gerald Root, Sonia Salari, Paul Shami, Janet Shaw, Clough Shelton, Oriene Shin, Gregory Smoak, Steven Sternfeld, Jeff Stratman, Orest Symko, Geneva Thompson, Taylor Thompson, Norm Waitzman, Li Wang, Molly Wheeler, Wynchester Whetten, Joanne Yaffe, Angela Yetman, Aaron Young, Jingyi Zhu
Absent: John Conboy, Alicia De Leon, Kevin DeLuca, Lee Dibble, Bruce Gale, Charles Grissom, Thad Hall, Michael Hawkins, Evert Lawton, Kim Martinez, Melissa Meeks, Dragan Milicic, Anne Mooney, Trevor Myrick, Patrick Panos, Alison Regan, Gary Rose, Kristin Smith – Crowe, Bryce Williams
Excused: Vivian Lee
Ex-officio: Robert Flores, Robert Fujinami, Pat Hanna, Paul Mogren, Allyson Mower, David Pershing, Amy Wildermuth, Shawnee Worsley
Excused with Proxy: James Graves, Bradley Katz, Anthea Letsou, Karl Lins, McKenna Menees, Chris Myers,
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the Academic Senate meeting on October 1, 2012 were approved following a motion from Joanne Yaffe which was seconded by Bill Johnson.
Request for New Business
No new business to address
Consent Calendar
The resignations retirements, faculty appointments, auxiliary and limited term appointments, appearing in the Appendices dated November 5, 2012, received approval to forward to the Board of Trustees by Steve Alder and seconded by Joan Gregory.
Executive Committee Report
Allyson Mower, Executive Committee Secretary, provided a summary of the Executive Committee meetings held October 15, 2012.
Report from Administration
President David Pershing thanked everyone for their help with the Inauguration. President Pershing gave an update on the gift from Pierre Lassonde for a residential living center for students who have an interest in entrepreneurship. The housing is estimated to include 400 beds and have a student study labs on the main floor.
The three main areas of focus now are the legislature, development resources and faculty. With the summer spent traveling on the Great Red Road Trip, President Pershing wants to focus inward and talk to faculty and students to receive their input. The Legislative session will be starting in January and we are gearing up for this session. Our first request will be compensation for the faculty and staff; this will also help avoid an increase in tuition costs. Other requests will include increase in medical school class size, support for the core mission areas in the form of support for the “Utah 2020 Initiative.” The goal of Utah 2020 is 66 percent of our future work force with some sort of post-secondary credential or degree by the year 2020.
Another item that is on the minds of many is the announcement of the change in the missionary age for LDS missionaries. The age of men has been changed from 19 to 18 and for women from 21 to 19. This will impact the university because the young men will not start work on their undergraduate degrees prior to going on a mission. The U wants to focus on how this change will affect undergraduate admissions and returning students..
Report from ASUU
Geneva Thompson thanked President Pershing for the great Inauguration events and for his focus on the students. ASUU has been re-writing their constitution and a majority of their by-laws to strengthen their student government. Both student legislature bodies and the Committee on Student Affairs have passed the proposed changes and they will be going forward to the Board of Trustees next Tuesday. If approved by the Board of Trustees it will go forward to a student referendum.
ASUU will be hosting an elections watch party at 7pm at the Hinckley Institute of Politics. Since October weekly events have been held by ASUU to educate students on the candidates and encourage them to vote.
November 12th will start ASUU week. The events will focus on student government and how students can become involved.
Information Item
Robert Fujinami gave an update to the Academic Senate regarding the meeting of the Coalition of the PAC 12 Faculties that was held October 19-21 at the University Guest House.
Debate Calendar
Robert Kessler presented the proposal for (i) the new Masters of Entertainment Arts and Engineering (MEAE) degree, with three graduate emphases, and (ii) new joint Masters in EAE with MFA in Film and Media Arts degree. This program has been at the University since 2007 as an undergraduate emphasis, and in 2010 graduate EAE classes begun. There are currently 60 students in the program. The MEAE degree is a two year full time post baccalaureate degree comprised of four semesters over two years. Each semester students take two classes and a class in their area of interest. The courses combine with the required internship of three hours make a total of 43 credit hours. The degree is proposed to start in Fall of 2013. The motion to approve and forward to the Board of Trustees was made by Marianna Di Paolo and seconded by Joanne Yaffe. Motion passed unanimously.
The proposal for a new Graduate Certificate in Personalized Health Care was presented by Brandon Welch, Josh Schiffman and Michael Varner. With the completion of the Human Genome Project and the growth in gene based technologies, personalized health care has grown in importance. Personalized Health Care is the tailoring of diagnosis and treatment to the individual, giving the right medicine to the right person at the right time. The certificate in personalized health care is essential to prepare current graduate and professional students for the future in clinical care and research. The student would be required to complete the foundation course, choose between clinical track or research track, complete core courses in the four subject areas (Genetics, Informatics, Pharmacology and Miscellaneous), and the remaining 15 credits will be from electives. Students must achieve a B- or better in all Certificate courses. The Certificate will be housed in and supported by the Center for Clinical and Translation Sciences and administered by the Program in Personalized Health Care and its Education Advisory Committee. There was extensive discussion in which senators recommended, and the proposal representatives agreed to explore, establishing connections with additional colleges and departments, and expanding the list of qualifying courses in various fields. The motion to approve and forward to the Board of Trustees was made by Steve Adler and seconded by Leslie Francis. Motion passed unanimously.
Maija Holsti presented the proposal for a new Minor in Pediatric Clinical Research, to be offered by the Department of Pediatrics, effective Spring 2013. The minor will be offered to undergraduate students, across all disciplines, who are interested in advancing their clinical skills and knowledge of pediatric research. The number of credit hours for the minor will be 16. Currently 34 students are enrolled in the first semester class and the hope is to double that in the next year. Students are expected to be in good academic standing with the University as evidenced by official transcripts. The minimum GPA for acceptance and retention will be a 2.0 on a 4.0 scale. The motion to approve and forward to the Board of Trustees was made by Ronald Coleman and seconded by Joanne Yaffe. Motion passed unanimously.
Information Calendar
Katie Ward presented the new Graduate Emphases in the Nurse Practitioner Program, which has received final approval of the Graduate Council. No recommendations were made and the emphases will be forwarded to the Board of Trustees.
Gordon Crabtree and David Entwistle presented the Paid Time Off for Hospital Staff Interim Rule 5-200B (PTO). No recommendations were made.
The meeting adjourned at 4:12 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Shawnee Worsley