Meeting Minutes
November 6, 2006
Call to Order:
The regular meeting of the Academic Senate, held on November 7, 2006 was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Kirtly Jones, Senate President. The meeting was held in room 115 C. Roland Christensen Center.
Kirtly Jones (Senate President), Anisa M. Abu-Ramaileh, Dan Adams, Stephen Alder, Michael Bastiani, Margaret Battin, Paul S. Bernstein, Martha Bradley, Susan Bratton, Richard Brown, Ronald Bruhn, Carrie Byington, Lyle Campbell, Ben De Fiebre, David Derezotes, Gary Ellis, Luiza Franca, Leslie Francis, Michael Free, Shadie Ghaibi, Andrea Goldstein, Dan Goodrick, Gary Grikscheit, Douglas Hacker, David Hillyard, Jan Hobson, Brooke Hopkins, Michelle Hosp, Paul Hu, Russ Isabella, Charles Jui, David Kieda, Mike Kirby, Jacob Kirkham, Kacee Kniazeva, Thomas Kontuly, Lynette Land, Richard Lemons, Janet E. Lindsley, Karl Lins, Zheng-Rong Lu, Mary Lucero, Clifton McIntosh, Daniel Medwed, Sanford Meek, Erin Miedema, Joey Mortensen, Lex Newman, Erin O’Connell, Gerado Okhuysen, John Opitz, Richard Paine, Brian Patrick, Kathy Pope, Paul Roberts, Edward Rubin, Sarah Shippobotham, Barry Shultz, Maged Senbel, Mikhail Skliar, Bruce Smith, Sandra Smith, Gerald Spangrude, Nancy Staggers, Paul Stout, Michael Timerlake, Peter Trapa, Raymond Tymas-Jones, David Vergobbi, Sharon M. Weinstein, Robert Wendel, Gage Williams, Joanne Yaffe, Mary Youngkin
Excused: Jessica Griffith, LaVar Harline, Howard Lehman, Karen Paisley, Randy Silverman
Ex-officio: A. Loris Betz, Penny Brooke, John Francis, Paul Mogren, Steven Ott, Michael K. Young
Staff: Nancy Lines
Others: Heather Baker, Ann Marie Breznay, Khan Chaichana, Ann Floor, George Cheney, Tina Diekmann, Ted Liou, Ed Trujillo, Ted Wilson.
The minutes of the Academic Senate meeting of October 2, 2006 were approved unanimously.
Consent Calendar:
A motion to accept the resignations, retirements, faculty appointments, auxiliary and limited term appointments, appearing in Appendices I and II received unanimous approval to forward to the Board of Trustees.
Executive Committee Report:
Joanne Yaffe, Executive Committee Secretary, summarized her written report of the October 23, 2006 Executive Committee meeting.
Report from Administration:
President Michael K. Young provided an update on the issue of concealed weapons on campus.
President Young also reported on the U’s international program and the recent accreditation visit summarizing the preliminary report that included 3 commendations and 5 recommendations.
Report from ASUU
Jacob Kirkham provided information on the upcoming events sponsored by ASUU which are 2 concerts performed by Sarah Jones, Tony Award winner at Kingsbury Hall and Fiona Apple at the Huntsman Center and the State of the ASUU address on November 20. Their biggest event of the year is the “Rock the U” dance marathon to be held on March 15 and 16.
The Fall budget has been completed and $95,000 will go to various student groups. The focus for the remainder of the year will be to bolster the Study Abroad Program.
Debate Items:
- A proposal to create the Center for Interdisciplinary Arts and Technology was introduced by David Dynak and David Zemmels. The proposal was unanimously approved.
- A proposal to create the Barbara L. and Norman Tanner Center for Nonviolent Human Rights Advocacy was introduced by Ted Wilson and George Cheney. A vote to accept Leslie Francis’ amendment to the proposal specifically requiring four faculty members on the Advisory Board was unanimously approved. With that amendment the proposal was unanimously approved.
Information Items:
- The chairs of the standing Senate committees were introduced and provided a brief overview of their plans for the academic year. The motion to accept the Academic Senate President’s appointment of these committee chairs was unanimously approved.
The meeting adjourned at 4:23 pm.
Respectfully submitted by:
Nancy Lines, Secretary to the Academic Senate