Senate Advisory Committee on Student, Faculty, and Staff Success
Committee Description
The Committee shall provide leadership and expertise to the University community in promoting student, faculty, and staff success, in their various roles and activities, and serves as a forum for the exchange of ideas within the University. The Committee should respond to directions from the Academic Senate, while retaining the freedom to set its own agenda. The Committee’s principal role is to identify issues, projects, and proposals that would further a positive climate of belonging and wellbeing on the University campus with any appropriate recommendations.
The membership of the Committee with full voting rights consists of eighteen persons. The Academic Senate elects 12 tenure-line and career-line faculty members. ASUU selects three students. Three shall be staff members serving three year terms (approved by the Senate Executive Committee after nomination by the University of Utah Staff Council-UUSC—see Policy 5-003).
Committee Chair 2024-25: Ademuyiwa Aromolaran PhD, FHRS, FAHA
Powers & Duties
The Committee’s roles includes forwarding information and recommendations to the Academic Senate. The Committee will submit an annual report to the Academic Senate of its activities.
Meeting Schedule
Meets three-five times per semester.