Senate Consolidated Hearing Committee
Committee Description
The Senate Consolidated Hearing Committee for Faculty Disputes (SCHC) hears grievances and complaints brought against faculty members at the University of Utah or by faculty members asserting rights including appeals from retention, promotion and tenure decisions. It is the hearing body for matters initially considered but not resolved by other committees, offices, or individuals.
The Senate Consolidated Hearing Committee consists of a pool of at least 30 faculty members nominated by the Personnel and Elections Committee of the Academic Senate. The Executive Committee of the Senate reviews the nominees and, in consultation with the administration, provides a slate to the Senate. The Senate votes sufficient members to fill the pool. SCHC pool members are normally appointed for six-year staggered terms. There may be expedited elections if necessary to fill vacancies in the pool or to provide sufficient members for a particular panel.
Powers & Duties
- Denial of retention, promotion, and tenure
- Complaint of discrimination
- Violation of Faculty Code
- Abridgment of academic freedom
- Termination or reduction in status for medical reasons
- Appeal of dismissal or reduction in status due to financial exigency or program discontinuance
- Appeal for restriction on speech under University speech policy
- Allegations of sponsored research misconduct
Current Roster
SCHC Hearing Process Information
Note: the Campus Faculty Ombudsman or Health Sciences Faculty Ombudsman can assist in a number of ways when considering options for a complaint or grievance.