Senate Graduate Assembly Taskforce
Committee Description
• Proposed ad hoc Senate Committee (April 2018)
• Committee was formed (Fall 2018), led by 2 Graduate Students
• Membership established February 2019
• Ad hoc Committee had two meetings in 2019-2020
• No meetings after start of COVID-19 epidemic
“On October 3, 2022, the Academic Senate voted to reinvigorate the Graduate Assembly Task force,
with the intent that the GA Task Force would explore the formation of a representative body for
Graduate and Professional Students, and begin the process of forming the Graduate Assembly.
Once the Graduate Student Council (GSC) is approved, it is recommended that the ad hoc Senate Task Force on Graduate Assembly be disbanded, as the GSC will serve as the conduit of the development of the GAPS constitution and bylaws within ASUU. The work of the Graduate Assembly Task Force will therefore be complete.” – 2022-2023 Graduate Assembly Task Force report
David Kieda – Dean of the Graduate School
Last Updated 5/3/23
Annual Reports
Taskforce Final Report – March 2023
Presentation Slide April 10, 2023 Academic Senate