April 5, 2010

Apr 05 2010
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Meeting Minutes


April 5, 2010


Call to Order

The regular meeting of the Academic Senate, held on April 5, 2010 was called to order at 3:05 p.m. by Senate President James A. Anderson. The meeting was held in room 115 C. Roland Christensen Center.



Elizabeth Adoyo, David Ailion, Peter Alfeld, Tim Ameel, Richard Barton, Shmuel Baruch, Amanda Barusch, Tami Beck, David Blair, Kumiko Boike, Frank Brown, Steve Carson, Vincent Cheng, Gwen Latendresse for Margaret Clayton, Chase Jardine for Tayler Clough, Suzanne Darais, Larry DeVries, Eric Eddings, Joseph Stanford for Marlene Egger, Richard Ernst, Robert Fujinami, Michael Goodman, Pat Hanna, Michael Hardman, Sandra Hasstedt, Greg Hatch, Bob Hill, Eric Hinderaker, Vladimir Hlady, Katie Hobbs, Lauren Holland, Harriet Hopf, Martin Horvath, Randy Jensen, Steve Kern, David Kiefer, Max Hanna for Todd Kramer, Stephen Lessnick, Edward Levine, Joelle Lien, Brad Lundahl, Jim Metherall, Joseph Metz, William Michel, Alysha Moore Esplin, Katie Moore, Allyson Morton, Chris Nelson, Maria Newton, Kevin Perry, William Lockhart for Chris Peterson, David Plumlee, Mollie Poynton, Joshua Schiffman for R. Lor Randall, Nelson Roy, James Sibthorp, Tim Slover, Sam Thomas, Jon Leano for Irving Torres, David Viskochil, Margaret Wan, Donna White, Jonathan Ng for Bryce Williams, Lindsay Williams, Braden York, Nick Wolfinger


Ex-officio:  Michael K. Young, David W. Pershing , James Anderson, A. Loris Betz, Paul Brinkman,  John Francis, Paul Mogren, Annie Nebeker-Christensen, Nancy Lines, Susan Olson, Octavio Villalpando


Others:   Ann Floor, Robert Flores,  Robert Payne, Alma Allred, Michael Gardner, Mark Winter, Katie Pratt, Pablo Martinez, Todd Taylor, Ed Clark, Matt Peterson, Mike Warner, Jackie Bernard, Eric Lindley, Tom Loveridge, Tammy Hermann


Excused:   Connie Bullis, John Conboy, Marlene Egger, R. Lor Randall, Andrea Rorrer, Richard Sperry, Irving Torres


Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the Academic Senate meeting of March 1, 2010 were unanimously approved following a motion from Larry DeVries and seconded by Jim Metherall.


Request for New Business

Norm Waitzman, department of Economics, presented a White Paper entitled “Revisiting the SCH Productivity Model in an Era of Strapped Budgets”. Good questions and comments were made for revisiting the model.


Beverly Brehl, director of The Center for Teaching and Learning Scholars Program, explained the project designs displayed in the hall by the students enrolled in the program and invited all to visit them on their way out of the meeting.




Consent Calendar

The resignations, retirements, faculty appointments, auxiliary and limited term appointments, appearing in the Appendices dated March 15 and April 5, 2010, received approval to forward to the Board of Trustees for final approval following a motion from Peter Alfeld which was seconded by Jim Metherall.


Executive Committee Report

Jim Metherall, Executive Committee Secretary, summarized his written report of the March 15, 2010 Executive Committee meeting.


Report from Administration

President Michael K. Young summarized the victories achieved at the Legislative session and complimented the Governor and business community for their support of the University. He also applauded the generous donors who continue to support the U in ever increasing numbers as the University endeavors to provide a quality education. President Young noted that Governor Gary Herbert has organized a task force to review and recommend changes in the structure of Utah’s System of Higher Education.


President Young encouraged everyone to participate in graduation and celebrate the accomplishments of the students.


The President noted that applications for both graduate school and undergraduate school are up. Admits from out-of-state students has increased over 10 percent with the same phenomenon for in-state admits as well. The percentage of admitted students is increasing, suggesting we are attracting a stronger applicant pool than in the past.


The President issued one request to take back to the faculty. Over the past year numerous appeals have come across his desk complaining of the lack of procedures being followed. He asked that their colleagues review and follow policies and procedures to protect the interest of faculty and students and to ensure the integrity of review processes. Most legal problems are generated from issues around procedures rather than substance.


In closing the President informed the senate of his desire for students to have the opportunity for a significant, intellectual, and transforming experience at this institution. Research universities also need to pay attention to how we teach. The engagement of the professors and administrative staff is critical and he will be looking for someone to take this as their mission in life for a couple of years and to conceptualize and expand this idea. The President welcomes your ideas and will talk more about it in the fall.


Alma Allred, director of Commuter Services, addressed the contract provision with UTA relative to the increased cost of gasoline and an automatic imposed surcharge. A ten percent increase will be added to the parking permit fees in all categories this fall to cover the imposed surcharge.




Joan Gines, associate vice president of Human Resources, informed the senate of the increased costs in health insurance and the proposed plan to avoid increasing the employee’s premium. She said that documents would be in the mail this month for all to review and select the new choices for their health care provider. The Wellness Program and dental coverage plans will remain the same.


Report from ASUU

Outgoing ASUU president Tayler Clough was excused and in his stead Chase Jardine, incoming ASUU president, was introduced.


Notice of Intent

Tom Loveridge, associate vice president of Human Resources, explained the revisions to Policy and Rule 5-404 clarifying some technical changes in Workmen’s Compensation Insurance. A motion to move to the debate calendar was made by Peter Alfeld and seconded by David Ailion passed unanimously. A motion from Joelle Lien, seconded by Vince Cheng to approve and forward to the Board of Trustees for final approval received unanimous approval.


Susan Olson, associate vice president for Academic Affairs, explained the proposed amendments to the Faculty Code regarding Student Confidences. She invited the dean of students and the associate dean of students, Annie Nebeker-Christensen and Lori McDonald, respectively, to first explain what the office of student affairs is doing. The Behavioral Intervention Team is the official group that is designed to connect the dots between other parties and it is their obligation to manage disruptive student behavioral problems. Following their brief presentation, the vice president then referred to the language in the policy that is being amended. Larry DeVries motioned to move this request to the Debate Calendar which was seconded by Steven Kern and unanimously approved.


Debate Calendar

The proposed revisions to Policy and Rule 5-404 were unanimously approved following a motion from Joelle Lien which was seconded by Vince Cheng.


David Ailion made a motion to accept the proposed amendments and to forward to the Board of Trustees for final approval which was seconded by Harriet Hopf and unanimously approved.


The proposed Undergraduate Certificate in Positive Psychology presented by Professor Michael Gardner from the department of Educational Psychology, was approved following a motion from Larry DeVries, seconded by Bob Hill, to forward to the Board of Trustees for final approval.


The proposed request to formally establish The Woman and Child Institute at the University of Utah as presented by Dr. Ed Clark, chair of the department of pediatrics and members of his group,  Dr. Matt Peterson, chair of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Dr. Mike Varner, high risk specialist in Obstetrics & Gynecology, Jackie Bernard, administrative director of Pediatric Administration, and Erika Lindley, director of Obstetrics & Gynecology Administration, was unanimously approved following a motion from Larry DeVries, seconded by Steve Kern, to forward to the Board of Trustees for final approval.




New Business

Jim Anderson reminded the senators that the senate elections will take place in May. He encouraged nominations from regular faculty for president-elect and that they be sent to Nancy Lines by April 15.



The meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m.



Respectfully submitted,


Nancy Lines