Meeting Minutes
December 3, 2018
Call to Order
The regular meeting of the Academic Senate, held on December 3, 2018, was called to order at 3:04 pm by Senate President Thomas Richmond. The meeting was held in the Moot Courtroom of the College of Law. President Richmond announced the next Senate meeting, on January 7, 2019, will end at 4:00 pm, after which the Senate members are invited to attend University of Utah President Ruth Watkins’ State of the U address at 4:15 pm. This will be followed by a research celebration hosted by the Vice President of Research office. Senate members can watch for the invitations to these events.
Present: Alan Abbinanti, Elena Asparouhova, Rajeev Balasubramonian, Julie Barkmeier-Kraemer, Amy Barrios, Shmuel Baruch, Pinar Bayrak-Toydemir, Gunseli Berik, Donald Blumenthal, Bryan Bonner, Joel Brownstein, Sarah Bush, Kirsten Butcher, Darryl Butt, Adrienne Cachelin, Brian Cadman, Devon Cantwell, Laurel Caryn, Mike Caserta, Susanna Cohen, Katharine Coles, Tommaso De Fernex, Chuck Dorval, Randy Dryer, Ann Engar, Korkut Erturk, Diego Fernandez, Candace Floyd, Kenneth Foreman, Leslie Francis, John Funk, Per Gesteland, Amanda Goodner, Valerie Guerrero, Gema Guevara, Kim Hackford-Peer, Patricia Hanna, Christel Hohenegger, Christopher Hull, Howie Huynh, Kaelin Kaczka, Emily Kam, Hanseup Kim, Anne Kirchhoff, Kim Korinek, Anne Lair, Rich Landward, Michael Larice, Stephane LeBohec, Lauren Liang, Tom Lund, Brad Lundahl, Kaden Madson, Jim Martin, Sharon Mastracci, Maureen Mathison, Kaitlin McLean, Ken Monson, Connor Morgan, Susan Naidu, Kathleen Nicoll, Rick Paine, Brandon Patterson, Lauren Perry, Wanda Pillow, Elizabeth Pohl, Ravi Ranjan, Kalani Raphael, Angela Rasmussen, John Regehr, Brad Rockwell, Nelson Roy, Frank Sachse, Pearl Sandick, Jon Seger, Peyden Shelton, Helene Shugart, Debra Simmons, Sara Simonsen, Dustin Stokes, James Sutherland, Thomas Swensen, Alex Terrill, Emily Thomas, Sylvia Torti, Aryana Vadipour, Brenda Van Der Wiel, Neil Vickers, Jessica Wempen, Taryn Young, Shundana Yusaf
Absent: Rima Ajlouni, Olga Baker, Nitin Bakshi, Ravi Chandran, Nadia Cobb, Mark Durham, Haley Feten, Ken Johnson, Winston Kyan, Dale Larsen, Sean Lawson, Claire McGuire, Dragan Milicic, Jon Rainier, Georgi Rausch, Alejandra Sanchez, Carol Sogard, Taylor Stringham, James Winkler, Julie Wright-Costa
Ex Officio: Margaret Clayton, Julio Facelli, Robert Flores, Harriet Hopf, Paul Mogren, Daniel Reed, Thomas Richmond, Ruth Watkins, Erin Moore (proxy John Boyack), Jane Laird
Excused with proxy: Bob Allen, Thomas Crane Giamo, Mia Hashibe, Eric Hinderaker, Tom Winter
Excused: Sheila Crowell, Krystal Moorman, Amnon Schlegel, Jennifer Shumaker-Parry, Joanne Yaffe, Zhou Yu
Approval of Minutes:
The minutes dated November 5, 2018 were approved upon a motion from Harriet Hopf and a second by Pat Hanna.
Consent Calendar
The Consent Calendar was approved upon a motion from Randy Dryer and a second by Kathleen Nicoll.
Report from Administration
President Watkins expressed appreciation to the Senate members for their service to the University; shared governance only works when it is in fact shared. The UofU football team was invited to play in the Holiday Bowl in San Diego, on December 31. The administration is very proud about the remarkable success of the student athletes. In addition, the President offered updates on leadership searches and what is happening in campus leadership. Searches are underway to replace Vice President for Institutional Advancement Fred Esplin and Vice President of Student Affairs Barb Snyder. A Vice President for Equity and Diversity search is also underway. This is a new cabinet-level position that will represent the whole campus and report directly to the President. It does not replace the current Equity and Diversity Associate Vice Presidents representing the main campus and health sciences.
In the area of campus safety, the team conducting an independent review currently underway will submit its report by the end of the semester. There has been strong input from students, faculty and staff, and the President is certain that there are a number of actions that can be taken to enhance safety on campus. She expressed that she is sincerely looking forward to the State of the University Address and Research Celebration event.
Senate Executive Committee Report
Julio Facelli reported that in the November 19, 2018 Senate Executive Committee meeting, members discussed campus shuttles and parking updates, and reviewed proposals for two Centers. The issue of faculty governance is an important issue surrounding the formation of Centers and Institutes. The Committee provided more input to the Building Access & Surveillance Policy 3-234.
Report from ASUU
ASUU President Connor Morgan’s updates included asking Senate members to let interested students know that the final event of the semester is the stress-buster week event, an ASUU collaboration with the Marriot Library. The ASUU is tabling there everyday during the event. He announced that the filing deadline for the ASUU executive elections is Friday, December 7th, and looks forward to working with candidates during the election process to ensure a seamless transition. The ASUU leadership is excited about the progress it has made towards achieving many of its goals and increasing ASUU efficacy.
Notice of Intent Calendar
Revised Policy 3-030 Travel; revised Policy 3-041 Accountability for Non-capital Equip
Jeff West, Associate Vice President for Financial and Business Services, explained to the Committee that minor additions/deletions to certain policy wording have become necessary due to recommendations from two recent internal and external audits and to discontinuance of certain programs. Two changes affect Travel policy and one change affects Noncapital Equipment policy. Wording was added to further clarify and strengthen Policy 3-030 Travel Policy (additions in bold): “All travel charged to sponsored projects must be concluded prior to the funding end date, and otherwise meet the provisions of the sponsoring agency or, if more restrictive, university policies.” Policy 3-030 was additionally amended by deleting Section III.I.2 Corporate Charge Cards, as the corporate charge cards in that section are discontinued. Words were added to Policy 3-041 Accountability for Noncapital Equipment to specify the inclusion, in the inventorying requirement applicable for University-owned equipment, of mobile computing devices that contain sensitive, restricted or personally identifiable information in the category of noncapital equipment, even if value falls below the $1000 threshold. This addition is to comply with not only an internal audit finding, but also a legislative audit finding.
Pat Hanna moved to place this item on the Debate Calendar, and Kathleen Nicoll seconded. Upon further discussion, Jeff concurred that the revised language in Policy 3-041 would probably incur additional inventory burdens on University departments. Tracking requirements, though, will only include mobile devices that contain personally identifiable information. Kate Coles suggested that moving the item to the Debate Calendar for this meeting might not give Senators enough time to fully consider the policy changes, and some might have a preference to discuss when there is more time at a future meeting. Upon calling for a vote, the motion to move the revised policy to the meeting’s Debate Calendar failed.
At a later point in the meeting, Senate Policy Liaison Bob Flores encouraged Senate members to forward any and all suggestions to him for improving these amendments, and to send any questions, so that when these policy amendments are placed on a future Senate agenda, these prior suggestions will assist in clarifying that discussion and speed up the voting process.
Debate Calendar
MS in Medical Studies
Janet Lindsley, Associate Professor of Biochemistry, explained that the School of Medicine would like to offer an MS in Medical Studies for medical students who begin but cannot finish the MD program, which would be in the range of 0-3 students a year. It would allow the granting of a degree that acknowledges the amount of successfully completed course and clinical work, which is 45 credits for the first year of medical school. The master’s degree would end with two comprehensive exams: a clinical exam and a knowledge exam. No additional costs are anticipated. The aim is to offer an “off ramp” opportunity to earn a credential, which could assist in other career paths such as teaching, for those who have demonstrated a mastery of the material. A motion to approve the proposal by Randy Dryer, seconded by Maureen Mathison, was passed with three opposed.
MS in Recreational Therapy
A new degree program proposal, an MS in Recreational Therapy, was presented by Sandra Negley, RT Program Director and Director of Undergraduate Studies. It is part of the College of Health realignment, and this degree will provide advanced studies in the clinical and management practices of recreational therapy, which is increasingly in demand. It will also allow RT students to engage in more health-related coursework and engage in interdisciplinary and professional education. A motion to approve the proposal by Kate Coles, seconded by Pat Hanna, was passed.
HKR Restructure Health & Kinesiology BS/MS/PhD
As part of College of Health’s restructuring, Timothy Brusseau, Associate Professor in Kinesiology, presented a proposal to consolidate health promotion, education, and kinesiology into one program, Health & Kinesiology. This will offer degrees at the BS/MS/PhD levels, with a variety of emphases. This major restructuring was driven by a curriculum overlap at the undergraduate and graduate level, interdisciplinary opportunities, and resource optimization. There is no impact on the existing program areas of parks, recreation and tourism. A motion to approve the proposal by Kathleen Nicoll, seconded by Kate Coles, was passed.
Information and Recommendations Calendar
Athletics Compliance Report
Kate Charipar, from the Athletics Compliance Office, gave a current report on Athletics Compliance. The unit is charged with monitoring and investigating violations for all NCAA and PAC 12 rules. It is also responsible for self-reporting violations and for compliance education to students, staff, the community, and many others. There was a level-two violation last year for the Baseball team. As a result of this infraction, the Office collaborated with the President’s and Director of Athletics’ offices and submitted a monitoring and education plan to the NCAA for the upcoming entire academic year. The Office has also made targeted efforts to be more visible at competitions, on campus, and to student athletes. In April, the Office will submit a final report to the NCAA on what was accomplished. There are currently four full time staff members and one intern, as well as a staff member who works outside of the Athletics Department through the registrar’s office.
Campus Shuttle Update
Alma Allred reported that his department had lost a lot of shuttle bus drivers and could not hire enough to keep all shuttle services running this semester. Although the blue routes have not been active, new drivers are being trained and blue routes will be running again the first week of January. There will be an additional route beginning in January–due to ongoing campus parking issues–from the Guardsman Way parking lot to the business loop. Riders can see all the locations of campus shuttle buses in real time at, making the system easier to use. Additionally, Commuter Services was able to partner with UTA and purchase two electric buses for $360,000–a large price break. The purchase and use of the new electric buses meets at least two of the University’s primary goals by creating a more sustainable campus and contributing to a viable future.
Alma addressed comments and ideas from the floor. Health Sciences needs much more parking, and reserved spaces are beginning to crowd out open parking spots in the parking garages. There is not a formal system in place to assist in utilizing unused reserved spots. He will follow up on a suggestion to provide heaters to the carpool parking attendants, as they are currently using their car heaters to stay warm. The parking advisory committee has fallen into disuse, but Alma offered that, in its absence, he is happy to meet with anybody that has concerns. He will also research the possibility of having a crosswalk on Mario Capecchi Drive, a state road. Jim Martin asked about better information for parking pass price increases, and Alma responded that the parking fees in place now were priced so to support building three more parking garages, and the existing fee schedule has two more years to go. Alma will check the parking website and put fee information up if it is not there already. Enforcement and education aimed at stopping engine-idling has fallen off the radar, but this is probably a good time to do another education and signage campaign as this is an important air quality issue.
Mechanical Engineering 7 Year Grad Council Review
Katie Ullman, Associate Dean of the Graduate School, presented the 7-year Graduate Council Review of Mechanical Engineering. The review highlighted the scholarship and dedication to teaching among the faculty. Because there has been a successful hiring expansion, plus the growing student base, there is a current issue of facility expansion.
Philosophy 7 Year Grad Council Review
Katie Ullman presented the 7-year Graduate Council Review for Philosophy. The University’s Philosophy department is ranked nationally as a top tier program, and its faculty is internationally recognized. While the number of Philosophy degrees awarded is modest, the department makes a broad impact on undergraduate education at the University by being an outreach to different fields, and through collaborative interactions across campus.
Update Building Access & Surveillance Policy 3-234
Bob Flores updated the Senate on the Building Access & Surveillance Policy 3-234 revision status. At the previous Senate meeting, Senators had voted to place the proposed revised policy, which comprises a more comprehensive policy on electronic building access and surveillance than the current lock-and-key policy on the books, on this meeting’s Debate Calendar. After issuing invitations for input to the Senate and the University community, the subsequent input was discussed at the recent Senate Executive Committee meeting. The Committee’s decision was that it would be best to continue digesting additional input, address this by additional policy revisions, and so move the policy approval debate to the January 7, 2019 Senate Meeting Debate Calendar. Bob asked Senate members to carefully review the existing policy draft, available with last month’s Senate meeting materials, and to forward any questions, input or suggestions to him ahead of time so that the final policy will be ready for the next meeting.
Leslie Francis further clarified the policy vote postponement, explaining that the possibly most contentious area in the policy is regulating electronic surveillance information in cases where there is not an unlawful act, which is authorized under the policy, but rather a matter of urgency or of serious misconduct. Bob added that attention needs to be paid as to where to draw the line between privacy and safety, and this is an area that is subject to debate.
Cultural Anthropology Emphasis Anthropology BA/BS
Shane MacFarland, Department of Anthropology Assistant Professor, briefed the Senate on a new anthropology emphasis in cultural anthropology. A survey conducted two years ago indicated that there was substantial demand for it, and will not require additional resources. This new emphasis will simply reorganize courses in way that facilitates students taking courses and then completing their degree in a timely manner.
Mechanical Engineering Emphases Restructure & New Emphases of Sustainable Energy Engineering & Industrial
Mark Minor, Chair of the mechanical engineering curriculum committee, presented a restructuring of the department’s emphases, based on faculty expertise and student, Department, College, and industry demand. A modeling emphasis has been deleted, and an emphasis of sustainable energy engineering has been added. The goal is to help students prepare for current industry needs, and to graduate sooner.
Open Discussion
The following remarks were made during the Open Discussion portion of the meeting.
- A request was made to get an update on green initiatives, and Senate President Tom Richmond offered to invite Keith Diaz Moore, Chief Sustainability Officer, to a future meeting to provides these updates.
- Ofer Rog suggested that a topic of interest to pursue is the current health insurance coverage for mental health. Given its importance, and that the UofU might not be on-par with PAC 12 peers in this area, this is a good time to recommit to facilitating access to good mental health coverage.
- Elena Asparouhova gave an example of a campus recreation fee charge that she had been paying through automatic payroll deduction for 13 years, and she had lost track of signing up for this benefit and was no longer aware. She suggested that paychecks be more readable, or if there could be ways to notify deductees periodically of what they have signed up for. Tom Richmond noted that asking Jeff Herring, Vice President of Human Resources, to visit the Senate on this topic would be a good idea.
- Pearl Sandick explained to the Senate that a recent proposed change to CFDC childcare would contract services, which can impact not only families currently enrolled, but also other areas such as recruiting. She posed that this type of decision might better be part of a larger conversation about childcare on campus and asked if that topic could be discussed in the future. Christel Hohenegger and Amy Barrios both agreed that this is an important topic for faculty and staff. Devon Cantwell expressed that there is some justification for having a single, specific committee that addresses childcare issue, and include student input. Maureen Mathison offered that this might be a good time to ask President Watkins to revisit the forming of a Presidential Task-force for campus childcare. Pat Hanna added that if there are Senate committees that are charged to investigate issues like this, that might be the best place to start to begin to address ongoing childcare issues. Another Senator added that this is a critical issue for students, as problems with childcare is delaying graduation, and would also like to see men on this type of committee. Kate Coles recommended that the Chair of the Senate Executive Committee, Tom Richmond, place this issue on a future agenda of the ASEC for more development.
- Susanna Cohen asked for clarification on the current parental-leave benefits for hospital and clinics, versus the recently passed benefit for other University staff. Bob Flores explained that the recently approved policy creates a new paid parental leave benefit only for staff employees outside the hospitals & clinics area; the University’s hospitals and clinics area has separate employee benefits policies, as it is a health care business, and currently those policies do not include a paid parental leave benefit for staff employees of the hospitals and clinics. He explained that there currently are parental leave benefits for tenure-line faculty throughout the University, and for career-line faculty in the School of Medicine only. And he reminded the Senate that there is a current Senate ad hoc committee studying a paid parental leave benefit for other career-line faculty (outside the School of Medicine).
Meeting adjourned at 4:47 pm.