May 2, 2011

May 02 2011
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Meeting Minutes


May 2, 2011


Call to Order

The regular meeting of the Academic Senate, held on May 2, 2011, was called to order at 3:05 p.m. by James E. Metherall, Senate President. The meeting was held in room 115 C. Roland Christensen Center.



Present: Stephen Alder, Peter Alfeld, James Anderson, Lisa Aspinwall, Richard Barton, Amanda Barusch, David Bjorkman, Kumi Boike, John Bowman, Francis Brown, Craig Caldwell, David Carrier, Steve Carson, Reaz Chaudhuri, Kuan Chen, Vincent Cheng, Margaret Clayton, Ronald Coleman, Suzanne Darais, Larry DeVries, Lee Dibble, Kristina Diekmann, Nadja Durbach, Richard Ernst, Robert Fujinami, Bruce Gale, Michael Goodman, Max G. Hanna, Sandra Hasstedt, Vladimir Hlady, Howard Horwitz, Eric Hutton, Wen Kuo, Sharee Lane, Stephen Lessnick, Anthea Letsou, Joelle Lien, Teri Mauch, Joseph Metz, William C. Michel, Kathryn Morton, Allyson Mower, Chris Myers, Rachel Nardo, A. Chris Nelson, Lester Partlow, Chris Peterson, Martin Rechsteiner, Andrea Rorrer, Sonia Salari, Janet Shaw, James Sibthorp, Paula Smith, Randall Stewart, Orest Symko, David Viskochil, Norm Waitzman


Excused: Pat Hanna


Ex-officio:   Robert Flores, John Francis, Nancy Lines, Paul Mogren, James Metherall, Annie Nebeker-Christensen, Susan Olson, David Pershing, Octavio Villalpando, Chuck Wight, Shawnee Willoughby, Michael Young


Others:  Jennifer Allie, Martha Bradley, Ann Floor, Greg Hatch, Bob Hill, Liz Leckie, Lauren Liange, Kelly MacArthur, Marnie Powers-Torrey, Brian Snapp, Phyllis Vetter, Amy Wildermuth, Joanne Yaffe


Excused without Proxy: Bob Allen, Tami Beck, Joanna Bettmann, David Blair, Doug Cartwrite, George Cassiday, Michael Chen, Breanne Chipman, Eva Comollo, Sean Erickson, Richard Forster, Timothy Garrett, Gwyndolynn Gentry, Charles Grissom, Henryk Hecht, Lauren Holland, Martin Horvath, Tom Huckin, Chase Jardine, Douglas Jones, Keith Keddington, Karl Lin, Kim Martinez, John Metcalf, Ann Mooney, Ryan Morrison, Chad Nielsen, Alison Regan, Steve Reynolds, Kristina Rodriguez, Nelson Roy, Jeremy Sanchez, Sara Schneider, Joseph Sin, Sandy Smith, Jeff Stratman, Bryce Williams, Chase Winder, Angela Yetman


Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the Academic Senate meeting on April 4, 2011, were approved following a motion from Jim Anderson which was seconded by Larry DeVries.


Special Order of Business

James E. Metherall discussed Election of Senate President-elect & Election of Senate Executive Committee. A reminder was given to participate in the new electronic voting for all other Senate Committees via the email that was sent on April 27, 2011. If any questions please contact the Academic Senate Office.


A brief bio summary was given by President Elect nominees Steve Alder & Robert Fujinami


Request for New Business

No new business to address


Consent Calendar

The resignations, retirements, faculty appointments, auxiliary and limited term appointments, appearing in the Appendices dated April 18 and May 2, 2011, received approval to forward to the Board of Trustees as proposed by Larry DeVries and seconded by Steve Alder.


?Distinguished mentor awards?


Executive Committee Report

Jim Anderson, Past President, summarized Pat Hanna’s written report of the April 18, 2011, Executive Committee meeting.


Report from Administration

President Michael Young gave a recap on the press release that was issued May 2, 2011 appointing Dr. Lorris Betz as Interim President of the University of Utah, effective Monday May 16th.  Regent Nolan Karras has been named to lead the search committee for a new President.


President Young thanked the committee for the hard work given throughout the year.


James Metherall expressed his thanks to President Young for his numerous contributions to the Senate and the University and to the Advisory from Dr. Pershing.


Report from ASUU

No report from ASUU


Notice of Intent

Susan Olson, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, gave a brief overview of the revision to Policy 6-002 Consolidated Hearing Committee. These are minor revisions that were recommended as urgent by the Academic and Freedom and Faculty Rights Committee or the Office of General Counsel. Susan Olson explained the editorial changes and clarifications for the proposed revisions to Policy 6-002 (Consolidated Hearing Committee). Mardi Clayton made a motion to forward to the debate calendar which was seconded by Frank Brown. Jim Anderson called question and moved to debate calendar for approva.





Debate Calendar


The revision to Policy 6-002 Consolidated Hearing Committee was approved following a call to question from Jim Anderson.


Brian Snapp and Marnie Powers-Torrey, managing director of the University’s Book Arts Program gave a short précis on the proposed request for a minor in Book Arts and a certificate in Book Arts. Ms. Powers-Torrey indicated that this would be the premier program where students could earn either a minor or certificate in Book Arts. The interdisciplinary program would require students to draw on other areas of study to produce a meaningful bookwork and receive recognition for their field. No additional funds would be required. A motion was made by Jim Anderson to move to the Board of Trustees and was seconded by Larry DeVries and unanimously approved.


Bob Fujinami presented a short overview for the proposed Experimental Pathology name change. The main reason for the request is to align with the name of the Division. They are also requesting to replace the M.Phil. in Experimental Pathology to an M.S. in Microbiology and Immunology as the M.Phil. is not recognized for a Ph.D. in that department. Larry DeVries moved to forward the proposal to the Board of Trustees which was seconded by Steve Alder and approved unanimously.


Norm Waitzman, professor in the College of Behavioral Science, explained the proposed name change in the Behavioral Science and Health Undergraduate Program.  The new name would be Health, Society and Policy. The new name conveys the multifaceted dimensions associated with what the major actually accomplishes in a better manner and addresses a suggestion from an earlier assessment. A motion from Larry DeVries to forward to the Board of Trustees was seconded by Bob Fujinami and unanimously approved.


An introduction on the proposal for policy 6-320 on Part-time Regular Faculty, and Policies 6-300 and 6-314 was given by Jim Anderson. Further discussion was led by Susan Olsen. After a lengthy discussion of various aspects straw vote was called by Susan Olsen. Straw vote was taken to include or not include the revised language. Vote resulted in not including the revised language. Question was called by Jim Anderson. Motion was made by Harriet Hopf to forward to the Board of Trustees was seconded by Larry DeVries and unanimously approved.


Susan Olson, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, explained the suggested edits to the proposed revisions to Policy 6-320 Part-time Tenured Faculty including modification for future retention, promotion and tenure reviews which differs from those applicable in policies 6-303 and 6-311. Substantial new verbiage has been added for better clarification.  Permanent part-time can only occur after tenure. Two alternative choices in calculating the probation period for eligibility were discussed, i.e., 1) adding no new language to a 14-year probation period or 2) a hard cap of an 11-year probation period.  Motion was made David Bjorkman to move with removal of language regarding cap and was seconded by Harriet Hopf and was approved.


Nadja Durbach made a motion to change tenured faculty to regular faculty; which was accepted as an amendment. Call for further discussion with no further motions the amendment was approved.


Bob Fujinami called to question and Jim Anderson called to approved the policy which was seconded by Chris Nelson and was unanimously approved.


Information Calendar

The information calendar including Emphases for Math, Emphasis for Nursing, Organ Performance Master Emphasis, and Musical Theatre Emphasis were accepted without opposition. The Undergraduate Council Review of the Mining Engineering, Department of History and College of Social Work were accepted and will be forwarded to the Board of Trustees information calendar.


New Business

James Metherall gave the results for the voting of the President-elect and Executive Committee of the Senate. Robert Fujinami, Department of Pathology, School of Medicine was elected President-elect. The ten members elected to the Executive Committee are: Steve Alder, Jim Anderson, Joanna Bettman, Mardie Clayton, Lee Dibble, Bruce Gale, Henryk Hecht, Kim Martinez, Allyson Mower and Andrea Rorrer.



The meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m.




Respectfully submitted,



Shawnee Willoughby