May 7, 2012

May 07 2012
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Meeting Minutes


May 7, 2012


Call to Order

The regular meeting of the Academic Senate held on May 7, 2012, was called to order at 3:04 p.m. by Patricia Hanna, Senate President. The meeting was held in room CRCC 115.



Senators: Stephen Alder, Lisa Aspinwall, Alexander M. Balk, Joanna Bettmann, Schaefer, Tully Cathey, Kathy Chapman, Margaret (Mardie) Clayton, Ronald Coleman, Lee Dibble, Marianna Di Paolo, Richard Ernst, Richard Forster, Sabine Fuhrmann, Robert Fujinami, Bruce Gale, Michael Gardner, Timothy Garrett, William M. Gershan, Franz Goller, Michael Goodman, Joan Gregory, Gary Grikscheit, Charles “Chuck” Grissom, Thad Hall, Rachel Hayes-Harb, Howard Horwitz, Eric Hutton, Thunder Jalili, Bradley J. Katz, Maureen Keefe, Todd Kramer, Stephen Lessnick, Anthea Letsou, Teri J. Mauch, Duncan Metcalf, Joseph Metz, Allyson Mower, Dragan Milicic, Patricia Murphy, Chris Myers, Rachel Nardo, Lester Partlow, Sean Redmond, Alison Regan, Andrea Rorrer, Gary Rose, Sonia Salari, Janet Shaw, Clough Shelton, Gregory Smoak, Jeff Stratman, David Viskochil, Margaret Wan, Li Wang


Student Senators:  Bart Blackburn (Business), Josh Johnston (Mines & Earth Science), McKenna Menees (Nursing), Geneva Thompson (ASUU President), Molly Wheeler (Social & Behavioral Sci)


Ex-officio: Robert Flores, Robert Fujinami, Patricia Hanna, Michael Hardman, , James Metherall, Paul Mogren, Amy Wildermuth, Shawnee Worsley




Excused: Vivian Lee, David Pershing


Absent sent Proxy:  Kevin DeLuca, Richard Dorsky


Absent without Proxy: Bob Allen, Amanda Barusch, George Cassiday, Reaz Chaudhuri, Kuan Chen, Tina Diekmann, Richard Dorsky, Leslie Francis, Martin Horvath, William (Bill) Johnson, Sharee Lane, Evert Lawton, Karl Lins, Kim Martinez, Theresa Martinez, Heather Melton, Anne Mooney, Arthur C. (Chris) Nelson, Chris Pantelides, Chris Peterson, Martin Rechsteiner, David Rudd, Orest Symko, Brenda Vanderwiel, Norm Waitzman, Angela Yetman


Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the Academic Senate meeting on April 2, 2012, were approved following a motion from Jim Anderson (proxy for Kevin DeLuca), and were seconded by Thad Hall.


Special Order of Business

Patricia Hanna discussed Election of Senate President-elect & Election of Senate Executive Committee. A reminder was given to participate in the new electronic voting for all other Senate Committees, an email will be sent with the link for voting. If there are questions please contact the Academic Senate Office.


A brief bio summary was given by President Elect candidates Rachel Nardo & Allyson Mower.


Request for New Business

No New Business


Consent Calendar

The resignations retirements, faculty appointments, auxiliary and limited term appointments, appearing in the Appendices dated May 7, 2012, received approval to forward to the Board of Trustees as moved by Todd Kramer and seconded by Rachel Nardo.


Executive Committee Report

Robert Fujinami provided a summary of the Executive Committee meetings held on April 23, 2012


Report from Administration

Michael Hardman, Interim Senior VP, reported to the Senate filling in for President Pershing. Michael expressed his thanks, along with President Pershing, to all the senators who have been actively involved. Appreciation was also expressed to Pat Hanna for her hard work and can do attitude, and for the hard work of the Senate administration that helped make this a successful year for the Senate. Commencement was held on Friday, May 4th. If you were unable to attend you may watch the video online at


President Pershing will be touring the state during the summer, dubbed “The Great Red Road Trip.” The search for the Senior VP for Academic Affairs is underway and it is hoped to have a replacement by January 1, 2013.


Report from ASUU

The newly elected ASUU President Geneva Thompson was introduced to the Academic Senate. The new executive cabinet has been appointed and the budget approved and looking forward to the next year.


Notice of Intent

Laura Snow, Secretary of the Board of Trustees, presented the proposal for new Policy 2-001 (& to delete existing Policies 2-100 to 2-105) Authority of the University. This new Policy will be combining the contents of the old Policies and making information more available, to include websites and reference links.  The motion to move to the Debate Calendar for immediate voting was made by Bradley Katz and seconded by Jim Anderson (proxy for Kevin DeLuca). Jim Anderson then moved to approve the proposal, seconded by Jim Metherall. The motion passed unanimously.


The proposal for revised Policy 1-006 & New Rules 1-006A&B Conflict of Interest, was presented by Jahn Barlow (UU Conflict of Interest Officer) and Bruce Gale (Chair of the Conflict of Interest Committee). This policy has been under revision for a couple of years and the changes will bring the University into compliance with a number of very important grant agencies’ requirements. In general, the revised policy, rules and procedures apply the same requirements for the whole University community regardless of the source of funding. This helps protect the researcher and to reduce research bias. The motion to move to the Debate Calendar for immediate voting was made by Bradley Katz and seconded by Rachel Nardo. The motion unanimously passed.  Discussion was then had on senators’ concerns about the specific membership of the Conflict of Interest Committee, which is to be governed by new Rule 1-006A. Steve Adler then made the motion to approve the proposal as initially presented, but with the understanding that a revised version of the Rule addressing those concerns about committee membership will be brought to the Senate for approval within the 2012-2013 year. The motion was seconded by Jim Anderson (proxy for Kevin DeLuca), and the motion passed.


Debate Calendar

The proposal for a Center for Communication and Community was presented by Jim Anderson. The Department of Communication seeks to establish the Center for Communication and Community to provide the administrative means for enlisting communication scholarship into the service of community needs. The Center would be based on a micro-economics, technology-transfer, and community engaged scholarship model to create reciprocal benefits for community groups and communication faculty and students. The motion to approve the proposal and forward the proposal to the Board of Trustees was made by Marianna DiPaolo and seconded by Eric Hutton. The motion passed unanimously.


Holly Godsey and Nalini Nadkarni presented the proposal for a new Center for Science and Mathematics Education (CSME). This is a center that sits between the College of Education and the College of Science. It is addressing five issues that Dr. David Pershing put forward in the 2009. The first was to increase student retention in the sciences and math. Second was to produce more teachers and better quality teachers for k-12 education statewide, thirdly to enhance public and community engagement, fourth to gain diversity and the fifth to make all these activities active in research and evaluation. The CSME embraces a multidisciplinary, multi-department and multi-institutional approach to science and math education. The motion to approve the proposal and forward the proposal to the Board of Trustees was made by Rachel Nardo and seconded by Andrea Rorrer. The motion passed unanimously.


The proposal for a name change for the existing Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Program, Graduate Emphasis was presented by Blaine Winters. This change in program name is being done in order to allow students who will graduate beginning in 2014 to be eligible to take the AG-ACNP certification exam. This will have no impact on the College of Nursing or the University of Utah. The motion to approve the proposal and forward the proposal to the Board of Trustees was made by Mardie Clayton and seconded by Patricia Murphy. The motion passed unanimously.


The proposal for a new Graduate Certificate in Patient Centered Outcomes Research/Comparative Effectiveness Research was presented by Amyanne Wuthrich. This proposal requests creation of a 15-credit Graduate Certificate Program. This certificate will be offered to doctoral-level graduate students across disciplines and will involve faculty interested in advancing the field of patient centered outcomes research. The purpose of this certificate is to provide focused training and credentialing for faculty at all levels and students in an emergent area of health services research. Discussion was had about revising the proposal documents to show the number of credit hours as 15 rather than 12. The motion to approve the proposal with the amendment for 15 credit hours, and forward the proposal to the Board of Trustees was made by Jim Anderson and seconded by Stephen Alder. The motion passed unanimously.


Information Calendar

The information calendar items, including the Academic Policy Advisory Committee Report and the Ad hoc Closure Committee Report were accepted without opposition or discussion.


New Business

Greg Hatch, chair of the Personnel & Elections Committee, gave the results for the voting on the President-elect and Executive Committee of the Senate. Allyson Mower, Marriott Library, was elected President-elect. The ten members elected to the Executive Committee are: Steve Alder, Kathy Chapman, Leslie Francis, Mike Gardner, Charles Grissom, Howard Horwitz, William Johnson, Anthea Letsou, V. Kim Martinez and Sonia Salari.


Respectfully submitted,

Shawnee Worsley


Appointments of Senate Parliamentarian, and Senate Liaison to

Institutional Policy Committee.


(i) Pursuant to Policy 6-002, a Senate Parliamentarian is annually appointed by the Senate President, subject to approval of the Senate. For 2012-2013, the Senate President with concurrence of the Executive Committee proposes to appoint Paul Mogren (Marriott Library) as Parliamentarian. Paul has served as parliamentarian for many years, and is a past president of the Senate.


(ii) Pursuant to Policy and Rule 1-001, a Liaison from the Senate to the Institutional Policy Committee is appointed by the Senate President subject to approval of the Senate. The Liaison advises and assists in developing proposals for revising University Regulations and bringing them forward to the Senate, and represents the Senate in the various activities of the IPC. For 2012-2013 the Senate President with concurrence of the Executive Committee proposes to appoint Bob Flores (College of Law) as Senate-IPC Liaison. Bob has served in this role since the Policy Committee was established, and is a past president and past parliamentarian of the Senate.