Meeting Minutes
October 6, 2008
Call to Order
The regular meeting of the Academic Senate, held on October 6, 2008 was called to order at 3:03 p.m. by Paul A. Mogren, Senate President. The meeting was held in room 115 C. Roland Christensen Center.
Roll: David Ailion, Peter Alfeld, Tim Ameel, Ali Amundsen, James Anderson, Richard Barton, Shmuel Baruch, Paul S. Bernstein, David Blair, John Bowman, Jennifer Buhler, Connie Bullis, Vincent Cheng, Barbara Dicky for Hiram Chodosh, John Conboy, Suzanne Darais, David Derezotes, Marianna DiPaolo, Nadja Durbach, Daniel Dustin, Marlene Egger, Phil Emmi, Jessie Fan, Artemis Vamianakis for RuthAnne Frost, Kasi Goodwin, Chanel Hammer, Pat Hanna, Michael Hardman, Sandra Hasstedt, Greg Hatch, Vladimir Hlady, Lauren Holland, Harriet Hopf, Garry Hrechkosy, Tom Huckin, James Caitlin, Randy L. Jensen , Carol Lim for Steve Kern, David Kiefer, Thomas Kontuly, Eric Gunnell for Karol Kumpfer, Bruce Landesman, Stephane LeBohec, Edward M. Levine, Joelle Lien, Janet E. Lindsley, Karl Lins, Laurence Loeb, Brad Lundahl, Peter Martin, Daniel Medwed, James Metherall, William C. Michel, Marta Heilburn for Kathryn Morton, Nathan Mounteer, Sam Nazari, Erin O’Connell, David Pendell, Kevin Perry, David Plumlee, Mollie Poynton, R. Lor Randall, Steve Reynolds, Rita Reush, Andrea Rorrer, Roy Nelson, Brock Royall, Donn Schaefer, Bill Schulze, Bam Dev Sharda, Randy Silverman, Alec Smith, Paula Smith, Josh Solarez, Harris Sondak, Nancy Staggers, Margaret Toscano, Adam Wolfe
Excused: Jessica Batty, Larry DeVries, Eric Eddings, Maria Newton, Ofa Pilivi, Tevita Uesi, Sharon M. Weinstein
Ex-officio: Jack Brittain, Penny Brooke, Robert Flores, John Francis, Nancy Lines, Paul Mogren, Lori McDonald for Annie Nebeker-Christensen, Susan Olson, Patrick Reimherr, Chuck Wight, Michael K. Young
Others: Ann Floor, Daniel Toney, Marissa Diener, Kevin Rathunde, Cheryl Wright
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the Academic Senate meeting of September 8, 2008 were approved unanimously on a motion by Jim Anderson which was seconded by Harriet Hopf.
Request for New Business
Vice President Jack Brittain, chair of the 2008 Campaign for our Community, addressed the Senate with a pitch for donations telling them to make a difference and do something you want to do to support agencies in Utah’s community. For the first time, students are invited to participate in the campaign. More information can be found on the website:
Kari Ellingson, Assistant Vice President for Student Development, presented the first White Paper on student mental health issues and resources as a result of the Virginia Tech incident. Her presentation provided interesting statistics at the U as well as national data. The White Paper can be found on the Senate’s website,, as part of the agenda packet and will also be distributed throughout campus for students and faculty. Additional White Papers will be featured at each Senate meeting throughout the academic year.
Consent Calendar
The resignations, retirements, faculty appointments, auxiliary and limited term appointments, appearing in Appendices I and II dated October 6, 2008, received unanimously approval to forward to the Board of Trustees for final approval, following a motion from Jim Anderson which was seconded by Marianna DiPaolo.
Executive Committee Report
Jim Anderson, Executive Committee Secretary, summarized his written report of the September 22, 2008 Executive Committee meeting.
Report from Administration
President Michael Young reported that exciting things are happening at the University. The dedication of the Tanner Irish Humanities Building brings together the humanities professors in one place who were before scattered throughout the campus; the near completion of the Frederick Albert Sutton Science Building; the addition to the University Hospital; the Marriott Library that is now usable; and Wilford W. and Dorothy P. Goodwill Humanitarian Building in Social Work was dedicated in September. He indicated that some not so exciting things include the forthcoming state supported budget cut of at least four percent. Rather than an across-the-board cut, President Young encouraged deans, department chairs and program directors to look at a strategic approach, looking for programs that are overfunded for the amount of activity taking place or for the benefit being provided so that the core function won’t be weakened. Suspected additional cuts will most likely occur in the following year. As things turn around, the University will be looking carefully at effective and strategic way of the deployment of funds. Regarding the support involving the Capital Campaign, he believes that a vast majority of donors are engaged.
Report from ASUU
Patrick Reimherr, ASUU president, is excited about the voter-related projects that are underway. They have currently registered 2,800 new voters, making them first in the nation. Other activities include Impact Day which brought more than 55 candidates for state offices to the campus to meet with students and discuss issues; an early voting on campus “no matter where you live in Salt Lake County” October 21 – 31, from 12:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday in the Union Room 161; a Uvote concert to be held the day before the elections on November 3; Crimson Café – a public open forum to discuss issues of public concern; film presentations; a student rights forum to inform students of their rights and help international students get their driver licenses as well as health insurance and taxes; and finally a Trick or Can and Rivalry Week Can Collection October 20 – 24 with all donations being accepted in the ASUU Office in 234 Union.
Notice of Intent
There were no items of intent.
Debate Calendar
Cheryl Wright and Kevin Rathunde presented the College of Social and Behavioral Science request for a proposal to change the name of the Master of Family Ecology to Master of Human Development and Social Policy. The reason for the proposed change is to reflect the National standards and update with the correct title. A motion from David Pendell, seconded by Pat Hanna, to accept the request and forward to the Board of Trustees for final approval received unanimous approval.
Information Items
Marissa Diener, chair of the Athletics Advisory Council, gave an overview of their annual report. She explained the Council serves as a policy recommending and advisory body to athletes and athletics. The board includes four standing committees and one ad hoc committee: 1) Athletics Academic Standards Committee; 2) Finance Committee; 3) Equity and Diversity Committee; 4) Compliance Committee; and 5) Student Welfare Ad hoc Committee formed to insure that the program is being conducted in a manner to support and enhance the physical, emotional and educational welfare of student athletes. She noted that of the 394 current athletes on campus, 56-percent have a GPA of 3.0 or above. Attendance, female representation, and diversity continue to be monitored and will ensure that the Athletics Department continues to maintain and improve on their successful record.
Susan Olson led a discussion concerning the new State Law for implementing criminal background checks. The law was created in the 2007 legislative session and the deadline for implementation is May 2009. The School of Medicine has been implementing the process for the past year and does not feel there are negative issues in this process. As this was a preliminary discussion, inviting feedback from the Senate, a formal plan being developed by a working group will come before the Senate at a later time.
New Business
The meeting adjourned at 4:57 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by:
Nancy Lines, Secretary to the Faculty