Athletics Advisory Council
Committee Description
The Athletics Advisory Council (AAC) is a policy recommendation and review body for intercollegiate athletics. The purpose of the AAC is to advise the President and the Athletics Director in achieving the mission of the Athletics Department. The AAC assists the Athletics Department in the periodic review of any matters dealing with the academic preparation and performance of student-athletes and in making recommendations for program improvement. As requested, the AAC shall also assist the Athletics Department in review of issues related to Title IX compliance and the safety and well-being of student-athletes.
The eleven voting members of the AAC shall include: Seven faculty members – one faculty member appointed by the President to serve as the University Faculty Athletics Representative; two faculty members appointed by the President; four faculty members recommended by the P&E Committee for appointment by the President. Student representation: two student-athletes selected by Athletics and the ASUU president. One representative of the University Board of Trustees.
Ex Officio Members
The Athletics Director (or designee);
-The Senior Woman Administrator for Athletics;
-The Senior Associate Athletics Director for Academic Services in Athletics;
-The Dean of Students (or designee), and
– The Senior Associate Athletic Director for Compliance.