University Interdisciplinary Teaching Program
Committee Description
“The UITP Committee shall have the functions … of approving the internal rules of each of the QIDT Programs for faculty appointments, evaluations, and reappointments, making recommendations to the Senior Vice President regarding individual appointments and reappointments of Lecturer faculty within the QIDT Programs, and approving the rules of each QIDT Program for evaluation of non-faculty instructional personnel.”
“The Committee will be composed of nine members drawn from University faculty. Six of those shall be tenure-line (tenured/ tenure-track) faculty members drawn from the faculty of the academic colleges which offer undergraduate degrees, with no more than one of the six from any one college. The other three members shall be Career-line faculty members who are not affiliated with a QIDT program. No more than one of those three shall be from any one college. It is possible for Tenure-line members and Career-line members of the Committee to be from the same college.”
Ex Officio Members
“The Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs shall appoint the non-voting chairperson (ordinarily the Associate Vice President of Faculty).”