Credits and Admissions Committee
Committee Description
The committee shall have authority to estimate the value of credit presented by entering students, whether for freshman or advanced standing, and shall have power to act except as otherwise provided, on all matters of admission or credit, including the granting of credit through special examinations; reports to the Sr. Vice President for Academic Affairs.
“There shall be 11 voting members (nine faculty members and two student representatives)… no more than two faculty members may serve from the same academic college.”
Ex Officio Members
“There shall be at least four ex officio, non-voting, permanent members, appointed to the Committee by the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, upon consultation with the Committee chairperson. These may include the Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management, the Director of Admissions, a representative from Academic Advising Center, and a representative from the Office of Equity and Diversity, or equivalent positions, and such other persons as deemed necessary by the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs.”